is dedicated to enhancing the quality and longevity of lives.
Our Mission
Our TrooLife mission is to empower Members to make a true difference in their own personal health, wellness and longevity. For them to enhance their own quality of life, and then to inspire a better quality of life for their family, friends and associates.
The things you consistently do
to enhance your mind, your body, your relationships and your finances – will enhance your quality of life - and the quality of your extended life. Also be aware that the things that you do not bother to do for your mind, body, relationships and finances – will reduce your quality of life.
Health experts say
we should have five servings or fresh fruits and vegetables every day, however this is not practical or possible for most active adults. This is why these same experts recommend supplementing your diet with high-quality vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and amino acids to help provide optimal health, vitality and mental clarity.
Through our LifeLine program,
TrooLife will act as your personal wellness coach, encouraging you to eat well, to maintain a healthy activity level and to help you de-stress from your work and family pressures. LifeLine will also advise you on how to optimize your important personal relationships with your family, friends and associates, to enhance your own life, and theirs.
TrooLife is also committed
to providing you excellent product quality and value, with the means to receive your nutritional supplements and wellness coaching for free, from a few simple referrals. Please take a few minutes to find out how.